Friday, January 30, 2009

Week 40

Well, I've made it to week 40, but our official due date is Tuesday the 3rd. I really hope I'm not writing another blog entry next Friday with the title Week 41 - yikes! I just want to meet the little guy and see who/what he looks like. Our doctors appt was on Wednesday this week and went well. Blood pressure and sugar are good, no weight gain this week, but my belly gained another 2 measuring 43 cm (3 cm large). I still am not dilated at all (although I know that can mean absolutely nothing) - boooo and the doctor was actually very nervous about the baby's size. She was actually throwing out numbers like 10-11 lbs. WHAT? So she decided to have an ultrasound done to get a better idea of the baby's Katz is weighing in at a hefty 8 lbs 15 oz already. I know that estimate can be off, so I'm hoping they over estimated there. PLUS, he's still not here yet, so he's continuing to grow. Anyways, we'll see what she says on Wednesday if we still haven't gone into labor. Another bit of exciting was my last day in the office for awhile. I'll work from home until he arrives, but it'll be nice knowing that I don't have to rush in the morning to get to work the week I'm due and can relax with my feet up doing work. So what else can I tell you??? What do you all want to know? How about you all just pray for me that I don't have to deliver a 10 lb baby :) ha. Until next week...will it be another mom picture? or will it be a baby picture?

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